School District ISD #877

Montrose is part of the school District #877, which includes the cities of Buffalo, Hanover and Montrose. With a 157 square mile area and a district population of over 25,000 residents, approximately 5,000 students attend 5 separate elementary schools, a middle school (grades 6-8), a high school (grades 9-12) and an alternative high school.

New residents should contact the Personnel/Administrative Services office to register their children for school. Even if your child is under 5 years of age they should be registered in the district to ensure that you are notified about early childhood screening and kindergarten registration at the appropriate time.

To request a packet of information about the Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose schools, please call the Personnel/Administrative Services office at 763.682.5200, ext. 1006. Please include your complete name and mailing address.

Additional information can also be found on the district website.

Spring 2022 Montrose Elementary School of Innovation Newsletter Article